The Duchesne Prayer Room

    The Duchesne Prayer Room video

    The Duchesne Prayer Room in Mount Anville House honours the life and legacy of St Rose Philippine Duchesne (1769-1852) and celebrates her journey across the Atlantic to America in 1818. Philippine brought the Society of the Sacred Heart beyond the borders of France and laid the foundations for the Network of Sacred Heart Schools that continues to thrive in the USA and Canada today.

    The Duchesne Prayer Room provides the opportunity to learn more about Philippine through a variety of experiences including audio accounts that explore significant events in her life and that of the Society of the Sacred Heart. A display of objects associated with Philippine, as well as encouraging words attributed to her, reinforce her presence in the room. The room offers a modern contemplative space where the Mount Anville community can imitate Philippine’s example through prayer and reflection.

    As a place where visitors are encouraged to embrace silence and cross the frontier to the limitless land of prayer and contemplation, the Duchesne Prayer Room is a fitting tribute to St Rose Philippine Duchesne, the ‘Woman Who Prays Always’.

    The Duchesne Prayer Room Leaflet

    Anna Gethings
    October 09, 2019